After cash credit cards are the most widely accepted means of payment in the world. No matter what are you, or which product you sell. Chances are that you have a credit card processing system must have. American Express, Visa, the brand can vary, and there no such thing as a single payment gateway for each individual company. Any company can have a payment system that you are unique, but the payment gateway is the essential link what is. But before we go into the technical details, some of the basics out of the way to get to. In particular some of the terms currently in use.
Each credit card transaction on the planet in a predefined way acts, first the customer will provide its credit card information, credit card, then processed the details of a payment gateway, and finally the credit card payment is received in a merchant account. Different way in which the credit card payment is accepted, the credit could you to an EPOS (electronic point of sale terminal) or could a successful online shop that accepts your payment. To remember the important thing is that the mode in which you accept payment, not as important as a payment gateway and a good merchant account.
Okay, so that the next thing to discuss here is what a payment gateway? good a payment gateway is usually a third party system that processes that it might be the credit card transaction of the server from an EPOS, an e-commerce system dials, but the payment gateway usually refers to the latter, and the checks are completed the funds are then transferred to a merchant account. The essential component is the merchant account, is offered the merchant account company and based on the volume of the transaction and certain other criteria; the fees and maintenance is different. No merchant account is free, as the company offers you services. Merchant accounts are in general the different categories and depending on the type of business you run, apply different monthly fees, and percentage fees.
Important merchant account types
) regular merchant accounts - although no such thing as a typical business is in the business, but a majority of companies generally considered regular trading accounts are treated, they have low maintenance costs and lower prices than other merchant accounts.
(b) high risk merchant accounts - this category is generally used for high risk credit card processing accounts reserved, such as accounts of that handle a large number of transaction, the may or may not provide a 100% approval rate. An example is an outbound call center, trying hundreds of credit card transactions to determine the credibility of credit cards. There are also additional complications such as currency conversion involved. Hence the term high risk merchant account.
(c) specialized merchant accounts - there are some companies, which require specific credit card processing, may be or a specialized merchant account, which provides requirements such as offshore processing, and so on. Such merchant accounts are usually called specialised merchant accounts.
Mike Knudtson is co-founder of the recurring billing payment gateway and the founder of the merchant account provider electronic transfer, Inc. He has helped thousands of merchants, retail and e-commerce payment processing set up for your company. Wire transfer, Inc. is one of the leading credit card processing companies use dealer since 1989.
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