If you want to earn a degree online and also want to save money on gas and other expenses you'll find that thousands of other students have done it and others are doing it successfully. Not only are they saving money but finding it easier to study on their own time and also loving the flexibility.
1. Saving Money! Saving on gas is a major consideration for many who have to drive a long way to school. Not to mention the wear and tear on the car and exposure to the possibility of an accident.
Plus many colleges also charge for parking. Parking passes can cost $250 or more for a semester. If you get a ticket for parking without a pass it can cost $15 or more.
Of course you'll save money on clothes and shoes and on any items you would need to go back and forth to school every day.
Some students have said they have saved as much as $3000 by registering for courses in an online degree program.
2. Saving time! You'll be saving time by not transporting yourself to school and back every day. This can add up to hours if you have to go through a lot of traffic.
3. Credibility! There are more online degree programs. There are a growing number of distance learning program offerings and course options now as online degrees are gaining a lot more credibility.
4. More courses! Many well-known community colleges, four-year colleges and universities have added a lot more courses eliminating taking online courses from unknown colleges and universities. Although there are many reputable online degree schools that will help you earn a degree online.
5. Interaction! Students actually can still have a lot of collaboration and interaction with their instructors.
6. Shy? If you're shy in class about speaking up and are a good writer you may thrive taking online courses.
7. Convenient and flexible! You can study anytime of the day or night fitting it in and around your usual schedule. You can work a full-time or part-time job, run a household, etc.
Distance learning or online degree students may find it a little more challenging because they may have to do more work to show they are keeping up with lessons. There may or may not be more quizzes and some participation in online discussions may be required. So check this out in advance if this is important to you.
So if you want to save money and earn a degree online you can earn an accredited bachelor's degree, master's degree or doctorate in any field including business, nursing, education, psychology, criminal justice, and accounting. There are more options now then ever before. Even in the lesser-known areas of nutrition, human resources, construction management or animal behavior there are many programs available. Online degrees are becoming the answer for many students who want to further their education.
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