There are millions of students who graduate from high school, never to return to an academic environment. They may want or need to get right to work to make a living. Or perhaps they're just not interested in more school; earning a paycheck is what they are interested in.
What they should keep in mind, though, is that a steady paycheck isn't all there is to work or life. Earning a college degree can help a student gain insight into many aspects of the working world, from factories to corporate boardrooms. Going to college can help students gain entry into professional areas where they otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity to gain.
Employers look on bachelors degrees as a way to show that an employee has the ability to complete a task that may be lengthy. Students can learn particular skills and sets of knowledge in a degree program that they wouldn't learn from on the job training programs. Additionally, if an employer is interviewing two applicants, and one has a degree and one doesn't, it's nearly a sure bet that the applicant with the degree will get the job.
Another great advantage to a college degree is the additional training that can be attained through internship programs. An internship program gives students a chance to work in a professional environment that is connected to their major, and a chance to gain new insight into their chosen field. While some internship programs are unpaid, there are paid internships available, with the added bonus of often culminating in an offer of full-time employment.
Another thing for high school graduates to remember is that many jobs will not even consider hiring an applicant if they don't hold a college degree. That's because many professional jobs require a level of knowledge and expertise that can only be acquired in college. Good examples of these are jobs in the financial sector, or in accounting. Graduates of these kinds of degrees often gain high paying jobs as soon as they graduate.
There are also a number of careers in high-demand fields that differentiate between types of degrees. Nursing is a good example of that, because nursing degrees can be attained at the associate and bachelor levels. However, many hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes will only allow those licensed nurses who hold bachelors degrees to attain positions in management or administration.
Many students who earn bachelors degrees go on to earn graduate degrees at some level. By earning graduate degrees at the master's and doctoral levels, students gain superior levels of knowledge in their fields that rightfully places them as experts. Experts in every field are highly desired and well paid. Experts can teach, consult, manage, and convey knowledge to others, choosing to be independent experts or to work at a high level in a corporation or other institution.
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